ZHdK WordPress

WordPress allows you to create traditional blogs and complex websites using a modular system.


  • Develop website

Level of difficulty

WordPress is an open source product that offers many application areas for web applications and the provision of content. Everyone can use WordPress to create blogs, websites and even discussion platforms.

Third-party suppliers provide design topics and plug-ins that you can use to create both simple and complex websites in next to no time.

ZHdK's Information Technology Centre (ITZ) offers you the possibility to create your own WordPress blog in just a few minutes. The range of design topics and plug-ins is limited for this tool.

  • Similar services: Wordpress.com, Webhosting with self-installed WordPress
  • Access: Browser
  • Restrictions: Selected topics and plug-ins
  • Data location: ZHdK

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Open ZHdK WordPress blog

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We found WordPress to be the ideal tool for the Z-Kubator Summer Academy as it was easier to work with the students and document the course in a professional manner.

Philipp Kotsopoulos, Leiter Z-Kubator

I wanted to be able to select the design and plug-in for our own blog myself. That's why I oganized webhosting via the ITZ and installed the blog myself. What's the cost? The responsibility and maintenance are now mine.

Renato Soldenhoff

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Team E-Learning