
Kanboard is a simple project management tool for groups, designed to help you record, assign and classify individual tasks appropriately.


  • CoCreation

Level of difficulty

Kanboard is a project management software that implements the Kanban process management system. Its features include a minimal user interface and the option to automate repetitive tasks and visualize processes.

Tasks are recorded and assigned to employees, and visualized graphically according to the Kanban process in the form of maps. Every task can be assigned to people, and the processes, procedures and execution documented. A task can consist of several subtasks, and deadlines can be set for them. The division of the workflows can be configured to suit.

Kanboard can be used by all employees of ZHdK to organize tasks in a group.

A training session in the Kanban process is recommended before using Kanboard. The software helps to digitalize the process.

  • Similar services: Monday, Miro
  • Access: Browser
  • Restrictions: Only for ZHdK employees
  • Data location: ZHdK